Accidents happen, especially with horses, but what is most important is how you respond to them. When emergencies occur, whether a runny eye or a bad laceration, please call EquidDoc Veterinary Services first to discuss if a visit is necessary and what first aid you can provide in the meantime.
Ideally, your first aid kit is easily mobile and can travel with you on trailer rides, camping trips, and horse shows. It is always a good idea to have extra supplies stored safely in the house or barn to restock your kit as needed. Your EquidDoc veterinarian is happy to recommend which prescription medications you should have to complete your kit. Listed below are some recommended items to have in your kit but you can customize based on your personal preferences and your horse’s needs:
•Flunixin (AKA Banamine)
•Triple antibiotic eye ointment •Epsom salts •Swat® or similar •Thermometer •Vetrap™ •Sterile gauze •Brown cling gauze •Oral dosing syringe (35 or 60 cc) •Bandage scissors •Flashlight (w/extra batteries) •EquidDoc’s contact information |
•Phenylbutazone (AKA bute)
•Triple antibiotic wound ointment •Betadine solution •Fly spray •Stethoscope •Animalintex® pads •Standing wraps and/or cotton sheets •Duct tape •Diapers •Exam gloves •Weight tape •Clean towels |
Make a habit of periodically going through your first aid kit to check expiration dates on medications and make sure you have everything you need for your next adventure!
EquidDoc Veterinary Services is excited to provide our clients with a stylish first aid kit that is easily mobile, full of basic first aid supplies, and large enough to hold more of your favorite goodies! Call our office @ 508-885-4205 or email to purchase a kit! Kits can be picked up at the office, mailed via USPS, or brought with us during a farm visit!
*Please remember, communication is key! First aid kits do not replace a thorough veterinarian exam. Always reach out to your EquidDoc veterinarian first to ensure you are providing the correct first aid practices for the type of illness or injury!